How long does it take for a flat fee MLS listing to be posted? | The Highest Rated Flat Fee MLS Listing Company


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BuySelf, Inc., Real Estate, Flat Fee MLS Listing Home Sales,Bloomington, MN

How long does it take for a flat fee MLS listing to be posted?

The listing process is very fast. Generally, once the seller receives the listing forms, it takes the seller 20-30 minutes to provide all the necessary information, and then the listing is activated in the MLS the next business day (in some areas Saturday or Sunday MLS entry is available).

The flat fee home seller generally must complete a detailed and highly structured MLS input property profile of their home information, provide photos (unless they purchase optional photography services), and an optional but recommended remarks paragraph of descriptive text about the property that will appear on the listing.

Once the flat fee MLS listing is activated in the MLS, the seller receives the agent format of the listing to double check, which includes the newly assigned MLS listing number. For most sellers, the flat fee MLS listing process is much faster than the process of setting up an appointment with a huge commission traditional agent to record the home information.