A new BuySelf seller writes "Thank you for telling it like it is" | FlatFeeMLSListing.com The Highest Rated Flat Fee MLS Listing Company


Total: $0.00
BuySelf, Inc., Real Estate, Flat Fee MLS Listing Home Sales,Bloomington, MN

A new BuySelf seller writes "Thank you for telling it like it is"

I chose your flat fee listing service because I did A LOT of looking on [unnamed company F] and [unnamed company O] and while [company F] looked super fancy and gave me a lot of information, I emailed them with questions and never received a reply. I called [company O] with a question and sat on hold for A LONG time before I hung up. Being accredited by the BBB was what caught my attention and then exploring your website confirmed tips that I had read on informational websites on selling home by owner and that was making sure the sign says something about working with buyer agents.

I realize with all the research I've done that this is an important part of the selling process - to not alienate buyer agents. Your site gave great information on my location as well (which is what some of my questions were for the other sites).

Your site responded to my email in less than 24 hours - that impressed me.

Thank you for telling it like it is.

BuySelf/Albert Hepp's commentary: Sometimes our customers say it clearer than we can, thanks for the feedback!

Tags Agents motivated to sell-Agent Friendly Listing Responsiveness Customer Comments